Thursday, June 10, 2010

Residential Life with Summer Scholars

The first activity that was planed for us was to do a commitment course, which didn’t sound so hard until I found out that we would be around 45 feet up in the air. I'm sort of scared of heights so doing the activity was already tough. What made it harder was that I needed to trust people that I didn’t even know to help me do the course. As we advanced we got to know each other a bit more and it got a bit easier to work as a team. It just so happen that my group took the longest to complete the course but it was all worth it because I got to meet new people.

When we arrived to Scott Hall I was just ready to go to my room so that I could shower. I was all hot, sweaty, and smelly from the activities we had done at the camp. I was just ready to go, but first we had to have a meeting. We were going to talk about the rules and how things worked around the the hall. I thought that we would sit there and listen to them tell us what we could do and couldn’t do in the dorms but I was wrong they gave us the opportunity to come up with our own rules. I thought that it was a great idea because that way it would be more likely that we would follow the rules.

During the whole week we were stacked with activities and things to do. It got a bit more hectic on Monday because I was a little lost as to where I would go to get the shuttle and what building my class was located. Everything went great the RAs were nice enough to show us were to go for the first day and they told us were to stand to catch the shuttle back to the hall. On the first day of class I was given homework which was a first for me. I had never gotten homework on the first day of class, I had to read and start on my essay but the RAs had also planned out an activity that we had to do. So it got a bit hard because we had to do homework and do the activity I saw how time management was really important and that it was something I would have to learn.

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